Looking for some courses to fuel your curiosity with Amazon Web Services (AWS)? Want a more focused approach to all the information you see flying around the web, and find a few courses to get you from “What’s the Cloud?” to “Oh, Amazon Redshift? I know exactly what it does!”? Check out some courses I teach!
Video Courses
I teach a series of video courses on LinkedIn Learning called “Introduction to AWS for Non-Engineers,” which starts with the history of the Cloud, Cloud Computing, and Amazon Web Services, and then takes you through security, billing, and many of the core AWS services available.
And of course, it’s meant for anyone, but especially for non-engineers, career changers, and people interested in learning about AWS, but don’t are overwhelmed by the nitty-gritty information many resources share!
Currently available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
- Introduction to AWS for Non-Engineers: Cloud Concepts (LinkedIn Learning)
- Introduction to AWS for Non-Engineers: Security Services (LinkedIn Learning)
- Introduction to AWS For Non-Engineers: Core Services (LinkedIn Learning)
- Introduction to AWS For Non-Engineers: Billing and Pricing (LinkedIn Learning)
Newsletter Course
“Intro to AWS for Newbies” is a FREE Newsletter Course that sends you introduction to AWS in small, easy to understand way every day for a week straight to your inbox! Enjoyed it? Pick up a copy of “AWS for Non-Engineers” to keep on going!