The Technology Domain makes up 33% of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam, making it the largest domain in terms of content. This section covers the core AWS services (out of hundreds), deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud, and AWS’s global infrastructure.

Deploying and Operating in AWS Cloud

Deploying is the process of bringing the IT resources and infrastructure into action. Operating refers to the day to day operations of the deployed resources.

There are a few different ways you can deploy and operate resources in the AWS Cloud: programmatic access, APIs, software development kits (SDKs), AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), and Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

There are also a few ways you can connect to the AWS Cloud, which could be: Virtual Private Network (VPN), AWS Direct Connect, and the Public Internet.

We went over the 3 types of Cloud Computing Deployment Models in the Cloud Concepts section of this website (for Domain 1), which are:

  • Cloud
  • Hybrid
  • On-premises

AWS’s Global Infrastructure

  • Discrete data centers are called Availability Zones (AZs)
  • Two or more Availability Zones make up a Region
  • Amazon CloudFront helps websites load faster by utilizing Edge Locations to cache data
  • Edge Locations are physical data centers that Amazon CloudFront utilizes to cache copies of data closest to their end users

AWS Core Services

AWS has a few dozen “Core Services” that come up over and over again because of their versatility and popularity. While new services are added every few months, these “Core Services” rarely change. If you want to bookmark the page with just a list of these services, check out “AWS Services by Service Groups.”




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